Monday, October 14
More concrete!
Bright and early this morning a concrete truck stopped in front of our house.... and then turned onto the lawn and began moving toward the house.....
The truck drove straight up onto the big dirt pile next to the foundation forms - this is the view from inside the house at the kitchen sink.
What a sight to see the concrete truck on the lawn - next to the house!
Same window, Different view
This is the same window where I was standing to take the excavator picture
just a mere 13 days ago.
Here is a great view of the truck and Tom Voner and crew filling up
the forms for the foundation walls, and note how close the truck is to the edge!
The view from the second ground the basement looking up
Halsey joined in with the crew to help with 3 extra forms he made for the concrete:
This one to so he can build a wall and keep the heat in the basement during renovations.
Here is the concrete after he leveled it and smoothed it out, ^ the above view is from the future garage looking into the basement.
Here is a quick picture of the second form Halsey built for a footing
for a steel post that will support the new addition.
And last but not least a footing for the basketball hoop as it had to be relocated due to the addition! Now the hoop will be located next to the driveway when you first drive in.
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